Tag Archives: e-stalkers

Tell me how you stalk…

and I’ll tell you who you are.


1. You google people Amateur stalker

2. You gossip at your hairdresser’s Old-school amateur stalker

3. You read facebook profiles e-stalker

3bis. You read tuenti profiles Spanish e-stalker.

4. You spy on people “live” real-life stalker


5. All of the above True stalker

6. All of the above, with a video camera Psycho.


7. Any of the above, leaving rude comments Evil Stalker (aka hater)

8. Any of the above, leaving spam / sub4sub Moron Stalker (aka loser)

9. Any of the above, including sex comments Paedophile / desperate geek


10. At least two of the above leaving only compliments fangirl.


Filed under Nerdy stuff