Tag Archives: this chick

You asked for it

Someone said today that I haven’t been updating my blog lately (what he actually meant was that I haven’t posted any significant entries, I guess -not according to his interests, anyway) xD.

So, I’m back with an entry regarding my personal life for people to read and ignore -so personal, in fact, that I’m 80% sure you’ll all skip the comments and forget about it.

Except, now that I’ve said that, you’ll probably feel all busted. You’ll want to leave a comment and it’ll be akward, so then you’ll have a brilliant idea and just make a joke. And because you don’t want your joke to hurt me, you won’t mention anything personal in your comment -instead, you’ll joke about the fact that I was wrong when I guessed you wouldn’t drop me a line on this post. It’ll go something like this: “Who said I wouldn’t comment? Here’s my comment. Take care!”

And that will be fun, but because I already predicted it, it won’t be so much fun anymore. I’ll still smirk at your comments, though, so don’t worry, 50% of the world population never manages to do anything original. Or you could pretend to be witty and say what I said you would say because it’s ironical, and that’s almost original, except I ruined that for you a little. You could be twice as satirical if you still said it, now that I said it’d be ironical.

So, at this stage, I don’t see the point in making a philosophical entry on the psychological depth of whatever. Instead I’ll let you be creative and leave a funny/poetical/philosophical comment.

In fact, let’s have a comment competition.

Let’s see who can write the most random/profound/amusing/beautiful/sarcastic/smart/bubbly comment.

Oh, and you’re right. I never really meant to write about anything in particular. But I might do so, soon.


Filed under Nerdy stuff