Tag Archives: reading

Book Challenge 2009 (26/50)

I’ve decided I need a little pressure to turn off my computer and go read some times, so I’ve joined a popular challenge in the nerdfighter forum and set myself a goal: to read 50 books this year. The list is not closed, but there are some titles I definitely want in there already. Titles in italics mean I want to read something by that author but not necessarily that one book:

1. The Magical Mountain – Thomas Mann [27/May/2009]

2. Paper Towns – John Green [15/January/2009]

3. Atonement -Ian McEwan [27/January/2009]

4. Pretties -Scott Westerfeld [29/January/2009]

5. A Room of One’s Own – Virginia Woolf [03/July/2009]

6. The Favorite Game -Leonard Cohen [29/May/2009]

7. Hard Times -Charles Dickens

8. Agnes Grey -Anne Brontë

9. El Cazador del Desierto -Lorenzo Silva [11/January/2009]

10. Alanna -Tamora Pierce [08/July/2009]

11. The Wars -Timothy Findley

12. The English Patient -Michael Ondaatje

13. Born of The Sun: a Namibian Novel -Joseph Diescho  [18/March/09]

14. A Fine Balance -Rohinton Mistry

15. Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town -Stephen Leacock

16. Northanger Abbey -Jane Austen [24/July/2009]

17. Trainspotting -Irvine Welsh

18. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone -J.K. Rowling [23/March/2009]

19. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets -J.K. Rowling [31/March/2009]

20. On the Road -Jack Kerouak [15/May/2009]

21. Life of Pi -Yann Martel

22. The Bell Jar -Sylvia Plath [1/August/2009]

23. The Deptford Trilogy -Robertson Davies

24. Catch 22 -Joseph Heller

25. Slaughterhouse V -Kurt Vonnegut

26. The Restaurant at The Other End of The Universe -Douglas Adam

27. The Island -Aldous Huxley

28. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? -Philip K. Dick

29. The Stranger -Albert Camus [30/May/2009]

30. A Clockworck Orange -Anthony Burges

31. The Handmaid’s Tale -Margaret Atwood [3/October/2009]

32. The Seaman Who Fell from Grace with the Sea -Yukio Mishima [22/May/2009]

33. Fight Club -Chuck Palahniuk [7/October/2009]

34. Everyman -Philip Roth

35. By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and  Wept -Elizabeth Smart [29/October/2009]

36. In Flanders Fields and Other Poems -John McCrae

37. Tess of D’Ubervilles -Thomas Hardy

38. Infinite Jest -David Foster Wallace

39. Emma -Jane Austen

40. Mansfield Park -Jane Austen

41. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban -J.K. Rowling [1/August/2009]

42. The Tales of Beedle the Bard -J.K. Rowling

43. Alanna: In the Hand of the Goddess -Tamora Pierce [25/September/2009]

44. Alanna: The Woman Who Rides Like A Man -Tamora Pierce

45. Sonnets -Shakespeare

46. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy -Douglas Adam [8/January/2009]

47. Der Sandmann -E.T.A. Hoffman [13/Octubre/2009]

48. Dreams from my Father -Barack Obama [7/June/2009]

49. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -J.K. Rowling [16/August/2009]

50. La Dent de L’Ours -Catherine de Lasa [11/October/2009]


Filed under Literature, Nerdy stuff