Tag Archives: sidewalk

Get off the sidewalk!

Okay, so I always find it annoying when groups of people -usually teenage girls, or old ladies, or women in their forties- make a point of standing in the middle of the sidewalk. Is it not enough that this city is ruled by cars and there is little space left for pedestrians? Do you really have to become an obstacle for everyone else? I just don’t understand why people would stop to talk on the streets, because it is impossible not to notice how badly you are inconveniencing the rest of the citizens around. But certain human beings are simply too selfish.

Well, today I saw something that left me in shock. I was walking down Alcalá street, the most crowded place in Madrid, and I nearly walked into this beggar, who was kneeling down on a box, in the middle of the sidewalk. In the exact middle of the crowded sidewalk! I couldn’t believe my eyes. Just what do you think you’re doing? And what do you hope to gain by getting in the way of everybody? Because, honestly, I don’t see how people would summon their solidarity after feeling so blatantly harassed. You will only be getting into trouble! It’s absolutely pointless and thoughtless.

I just hope to see him sitting by a wall, next time I walk by, and not kneeling there, asking to get run over by a gang of chavs or have his feet crushed by some huge polish guy who might accidentally step on them. You need money, we all know that. But people who don’t want to help you will continue to ignore your existence, no matter how noticeable you are.


Filed under Rant